If we were to turn away from our soul songs by not trusting ourselves, we are turning away from ourselves. We are turning away from the sparks that ignite our inner being, from the joy and the hope that our hearts feel as we step forward into the gift of the unknown.
When we don’t trust our own inner lyrics that reflects out into the world. We don’t trust. Without trust, our relationships suffer. Without trust we fear and we blame. Without trust we don’t see the possibilities before us, and feelings like resentments, doubt, inadequacies take over our song lyrics. Without trust our worlds are smaller and we are tormented in some form or another, our minds become battlefields of distrust.
Trust comes with learning. Trust comes with bruises, scrapes, and healing… trust comes with decisions to look for all lessons learned, to lean into that discomfort of our role in each lesson, and trust builds when we choose to not repeat the module. Trust comes by asking us to take a step back from our emotional reaction and attachments, so that we can navigate towards reflecting, observing, and adjusting the lyrics of our soul songs so that we sing with trust. We sing with the duality of life, with our feelings and experiences of our hardships and yet with our resiliency, our inner strength, compassion, and freedom.
If we view everything around us as an instrument to our soul songs, tools to creating the soundscapes to our moments, we are the ones choosing for them to be intense or playful and light. Let’s imagine a piano before us, were we are playfully strumming our fingers on the keys, figuring out what sound works best for the next step in the masterpiece of our lives. In each tune there may be resonance or dissonance, growth, and lessons learned. Nothing is wrong or a failure, we are all are just masterpieces in creation. We can choose to be tormented by this process or we can choose to trust. Trust the journey, trust yourself. @frankcrane @krystamaravilla