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Work With Me

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Frustrated with writer’s block silencing your characters? (I’ve been there!)

Longing to craft a captivating plot that keeps readers hooked? (Let’s develop a roadmap that ignites your story!)

Feeling lost in the publishing maze, unsure of the next step? (I’ve navigated the path myself and can be your guide!)

You’re not alone! Countless fiction writers grapple with these challenges. But what if there was a way to silence your inner critic, overcome writer’s block, and transform your story into a published masterpiece, but also to discover the marvel of yourself as a writer and cultivate a mindset for success?

Thrive & Write Coaching is here to help you do just that. I’m Krysta Maravilla, a published author of two books who understands writers’ struggles because I’ve faced them myself. Now, I’m passionate about empowering others to unlock their potential and achieve their writing dreams.

Thrive & Write Coaching offers a personalized approach to writing guidance. Together, we’ll not only focus on the craft of storytelling but also delve into mindset work to help you:

  • Silence your inner critic and develop unshakeable confidence in your writing abilities.
  • Overcome procrastination and establish productive writing habits.
  • Embrace a mindset that fosters resilience and perseverance for not just your writing journey, but also for your solopreneur one too.

Ready to stop struggling and start thriving as a writer? Let’s chat!

Your Story Matters.


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Have you ever started on the path to goal, only to hit roadblocks and wonder where to go next?

Do you desire one-on-one guidance to develop a holistic mindset that empowers you to lead a more fulfilling life?

It’s not uncommon to experience these challenges, and that’s where I come in.

I’m excited to introduce Wayfinding Sessions—a unique mentorship experience that delves deep into holistic mindset development. As a licensed mental health counselor with a profound passion for helping others, I understand the intricate dance between mindset and overall well-being.

Are you feeling physically and emotionally burned out, struggling to find the energy and motivation to pursue your goals?

Wayfinding Sessions are designed to help you navigate through these tough times, overcome burnout, and reignite your passion.

You Matter.


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Are you tired of carrying the weight of your money shame? Tired of it holding you back from money, opportunities, happiness, joy, _____ (fill in the blank)?

Ready to break free and rewrite your life’s narrative? Ready to join a community that celebrates your vulnerabilities and wants you to thrive?

Appy Now

The CREATIVES Accountability Group

Do you have a dream? One that makes your heart flutter with excitement or fear?

Are you an artist, who struggles with prioritizing making time for your craft? For yourself?

The Creatives Accountability Group is for you.

Apply Now


Do you feel like you’re at a standstill? Or are you at a crossroads in your creative journey or goals?

Are daily stresses or lingering doubts clouding your mindset? Let’s have a heart-to-heart about the blocks you’re facing and discover practical steps to clear the fog.

Or maybe you need a gentle nudge to remember why your dreams matter—not just to you, but to the world.

Let’s reconnect with your passion and reset your mindset, reminding you of the power and purpose behind your goals.

Book Now

Believe in your marvelousness. Dare to Bloom Breathe BE Break the mold Expand Evolve Thrive Transform Triumph Trust Succeed Fail and Learn .