Often it is the fear of facing our fears that stops us in our tracks and not the fear itself. It is the story we have crafted, the uncomfortable anticipation of sensations or defined outcomes, that hold us from facing our fears.
Yet, fear is like taking a walk outside and coming to a hill. You know at the other side of that hill there is the most beautiful beach, with soothing waves and breath taking views. If we convince ourselves the hill is too steep, to hard, we get wrapped into struggle, resistance, and doubt. We doubt ourselves and capabilities. We question, is the beach worth it? What we forget through the fear is that we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, one small action or choice at a time. At our pace… and all of a sudden your on top of that hill seeing through the trees the ocean, giving you hope.
During this time period we are being asked to face so many fears. For some of us, this can feel paralyzing and insurmountable. That’s what fear does AND that is okay. Be frozen for a moment without judgment. Be kind to yourself, give yourself time to feel and acknowledge this is a scary time. But don’t stay for too long…
Start moving; your body, your mind, do something playful and joyful… It might not seem as though its the answer to the situation, but it will shift you to a space where you can look with a different perspective. Lead you to a different approach. Then the next thing you know, you are facing your fears with a new sense of confidence, empowerment, and freedom.