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This is a love story about my Friend Diana. You have never met another person like her. She and I are total opposites. She is quiet I am loud, she is an introvert I am an extrovert but still she always has accepted me as I was and enjoyed my company my humor and my energy, and I have enjoyed her quiet contemplation and observations.

We met in the community trying to get well together, overcoming a life long love affair with food that we both share, we found ourselves looking for a spiritual solution to keeping food in its place in our lives. This was our touchstone. Soon after, I realized it would be hard for me to continue the time frame and she graciously ( as always) along with another amazing friend helped me start another meeting so I would be able to take care of my kids and still continue to unpack the mystery of my relationship to food, my body, and how I could keep myself well. Diana has always been there for me and always will be.

Even though she’s dead. She was laid to rest yesterday in a beautiful forest surrounded by friends who loved her and covered with flowers. Diana passed away after a 3 ½ year battle with pancreatic cancer. She took part in many clinical trials, did restorative yoga, chemo, all kinds of things. She was taken care of by a loving sister Brenda, and a community who gave back the Love she radiated out. She was wrapped in her favorite quilt. The wind blew during the lovely service her sister created for her and it exposed her arm at one point after that, every time the wind picked up we felt she was coming to say hello, I’m here with you, I feel you honoring me. Her sister could be her doppelganger, her smile her infectious laugh were still with us through her, she brought us together in a celebration of her life which will continue to Love the planet even after her death because of the choices she made.

She also left some writing behind that I would like to share with you, with permission of her sister Brenda;

Being Dust
And Space
And Light
Living by Fire
Bing present
In every act of care
A heart opening a hope trying
A paryer
The deliciousness of life
Reaching for terrific
Justice renewed
The past in flames
A gift of open
A surprise in the making
A crooked smile
Eternity laughs
History sighs.

And here is what Diana taught me:– 1) It is never too late to grow. When we met she was fairly new to the process of wellness we pursued together, she was a curious egger student who learned quickly and became a shining example to others. 2) Be Yourself—She was herself completely, and she allowed others to be the same, appreciated them for who they were, celebrated difference—even though she was a complete introvert she even went to hear me sing Karaoke—our world needs both – the singer and the audience to cheer them on!. 3) Be generous—this is amazing that she was willing to be tested, participate in new trials, further the cause of learning about this disease, even if it would not be beneficial to her but might help others in the end, that kind of generosity is such a gift . I Love Diana and always will, I hope through this Love letter, to try to cultivate a piece of her in us all, the courage to be yourself, to grow, to be generous, and to manifest a forest of love.

In memory and respect for Diana and her efforts to find a cure donations may be made to the National Pancreatic Cancer Foundation. Sincerely, Her pal.


#friendlove #spreadlove #lovestories @maravilla_love

All Love Letters’ are pristine, posted as they were received.  Please forgive any spelling and grammar issues, since the writing was done in the throes of love, and sometimes love doesn’t care about commas or misplaced letters.

Being marvelous and being brave means you’re willing to believe in the wonder of who you are and take the risks you need to take to Bloom Breathe BE Be authentically YOU Break the mold Expand Evolve Flourish Grow Heal Fail Learn Live Thrive Transform Triumph Trust Succeed .