I love the metaphor that we experience life looking through different, overlapping lenses. The lenses of our beliefs. Have you noticed that when you are focusing your camera in on a shot, you can miss the details, have them blur into the background, as you try to immortalize your focus? That’s how many of us see life, through the focused view of what we believe and habits we form. Judging is one of them; judging ourselves and judging others.
What if, for the day, you suspended your judgments? What if you looked to find strengths and not flaws, in yourself and others? What if you switched lenses for a day to see through a lens that accepted everyone is walking their own path with their own hardships? That today might be a day you offered a smile instead of judgment and play with the possibility that by shifting this lens you will see the world and those in it differently…
How would your life be different if you saw beauty in peoples struggles and offered compassion and love? How would your life be different if you saw your journey with compassion and love, respecting all the aspects of yourself and embracing them? How would your life be different if…
Play with this a bit… have fun creating space with changing lenses; are you seeing more shadows and darkness or are the colors more vibrant than you previously saw before.