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Maravilla Love Videos

Vid#2 – On the Theme of fear

By March 28, 2020No Comments

The theme for this week with Maravilla Love was fear, how if can be beneficial but with too much fear can have a negative impact. Suggestions to help release fear: Write about your fears, talk them out loud to yourself or someone else. Allow yourself to feel the emotion of fear. Then move your body and mind, do something that is playful. Release the fear then shift to play. If you have a love story you would like to share, please go to or if you just want to be touched by someone else’s love story….
Would love your feedback.

Being marvelous and being brave means you’re willing to believe in the wonder of who you are and take the risks you need to take to Bloom Breathe BE Be authentically YOU Break the mold Expand Evolve Flourish Grow Heal Fail Learn Live Thrive Transform Triumph Trust Succeed .