We are consistently being inundated with overwhelming sounds, rhythms and beats, lyrics and symphonies, as the world pulses with all of our songs. It is easy, within the conflicting messaging we get from the world telling us to be perfect, to be smart, to be meek, to be assertive, to be (fill in the blank)…
We get lost in what we “should” be. We focus on how we don’t measure up to the worlds lyrics of how we should be and act, even when it is clear they are unrealistic, or unhealthy for us.. and they shift our songs from our souls to the outside worlds lyrics. We interweave these stories, showcasing our wishes, our fears, comparisons and judgments, into our songs. Singing them loudly, singing them with conviction and then we question.
Then we question; Why do we feel the way we do? Not realizing the stories we sing, those with lyrics that focus on our perceived lacks, are determining the quality of ourselves we imagine we are. The quality of our relationship with ourselves. The quality of of the lives we live.
What are the stories that you’ve woven into your thoughts, your soul songs? Do those stories sing to your strengths? Your capabilities? Your fierce resilience? Do they sing to the courageousness of being vulnerable and authentic in the face adversity? Do they sing to how you have learned deep lessons, the kind that change integral parts of you, and you have risen with each lesson a better person?
Our soul songs see no wrong with us, they see our imperfect humanity and they sing it loud and proud. Unashamed. @krystamaravilla