There are so many different types of songs out there, so many melodies and lyrics. Beautiful, ethereal, heavy, angry, and wishful. Tuning into the songs we are singing can help us understand with what language we are living our lives. Through our language and lyrics, we are either empowered and motivated or dis-empowered, unmotivated, and fearful of change.
We can sing the most beautiful songs–ones written with apologies and make-ups, wishes and dreams, and stories of past occurrences that have led us to where we are now. Emotions can be fluidly interwoven into each word, yet with each note we sing, we can lose ourselves.
We may not know that we have become misaligned, but if we sing songs that are disconnected from our daily actions, we create a space between what we are capable of and who we are. When we exhibit actions that are not aligned to our song, actions that we do not want to take responsibility for, we drift that much farther away from our inner joy. We will always be searching, clutching, wanting, yet not seeing that the promise of our song is right there, in us. We are what we do, no what we say will do.
When our songs and actions align, the world opens up. Our inner worlds open. We become what we say, and we trust ourselves, our soul music, in the process. @krystamaravilla