Graphics Letting go gives us freedom Letting go doesn’t always have to be a heavy experience, a deep parting with past…krystamaravillaMarch 6, 2020
Graphics Awareness is about restoring your freedom What if you viewed cultivating awareness like the start of a good spring cleaning? One…krystamaravillaMarch 4, 2020
Graphics Awareness is like the sun. Awareness is like the sunrising; soft muted colors first appear, chasing the darkness from the…krystamaravillaFebruary 28, 2020
Graphics The greatest tool of self-love is self-awareness Imagine you are staring at a canvas surrounded by a vast array of colors; they…krystamaravillaFebruary 26, 2020
Graphics Life shrinks or expands Life moves in never ending cycles; shrinking and compressing, releasing and expanding. Like the tides…krystamaravillaFebruary 21, 2020
Graphics Invent your own life’s meaning A powerful part of re-writing our stories is we can invent or re-define our experiences…krystamaravillaFebruary 14, 2020
Graphics Re-write your story We always have a narrative running in our heads; the story of our lives. All…krystamaravillaFebruary 12, 2020
Graphics Be you. There is a magic that radiates from each of us when we are just ourselves,…krystamaravillaFebruary 7, 2020
Graphics Maybe, you don’t need to be fixed… What if there is nothing wrong with you? That everything about you is perfect because…krystamaravillaFebruary 5, 2020
Graphics How would your life be different if… I love the metaphor that we experience life looking through different, overlapping lenses. The lenses…krystamaravillaJanuary 31, 2020